Monday, August 6, 2007

Family Fun Night & Fireworks

Saturday was a "Clue" marathon! We played on and off all day. So of course right before bed the kidos wanted to play one more time ( i had beat their pants off all day!!) So we get into the game and started to hear what I thought were shots but it was just fireworks. Close to our house was a parade and they ended it with fireworks. We went outside and it looked as though they were right above our garage!! It was AWESOME! The kids love it! It was a perfect night! Except I didnt win the last game. Larry did! (He has a good game face..scary actually) Here are a few pics of the Fun that we had!!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Hi Belinda--I'm glad you have a blog now--yea! I loved Clue when I was a kid. I still cheat when I play, though, if I can get away with it...:)